I will apply for a visa for New Zealand Working Holidays. I found I did some tasks recently that I haven't done before or never think about it. This is one of my tasks. As you know, I am an impulsive person, if I find something interesting or I want, I'll do it without thinking.
Some people said this experience that you should try it in one's lifetime. To adventure and to taste the feeling which you never get in Taiwan. I have to say that's true. Just image that you work in a farm or grab the grape in the grapery, or even play as a waiter in a bistro where full of foreigners. That encourages you to attempt everything, like the adidas says " Impossible is Nothing."
Everyone has only once chance to apply for the working holidays visa. As long as you over 30, you won't have the opportunity. And the allowed number is 600 people each year. So I ain't sure I will be selected or not.
If I am so lucky to be one of the 600, whatever the cost, however difficult, I'll go to New Zealand to free myself. That's how I work.
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