How could I describe this film?
The suspenseful movie is what I love to see.
In the beginning, the element of thriller was made so successful.
You could even feel that you are one of them.
In the middle of scene, the story was excited one's adrenalin.
To make you wanna help them.
In the end, it sucks.

Because of the broken car, the couple was forced to stay at a motel.
It seemed that everything was fine, but after they turned on the TV, things were changed.
The actor, Luck Wilson, found the movies which they saw were filmed in the same location where they stayed.
Every nook and cranny was placed the hidden cameras.
And the people in the low-budget slasher movies were killed by two masks.
Luck Wilson and Kate Beckinsale had to struggle for their life.
I have to say if the ending wasn't so extremely awful, I would recommend to you.
But actually it is really bad.
It will be shown on 6th July, how about treating me a meal instead of wasting the money.

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...please where can I buy a unicorn?