Actually I have unfavorable feeling to the politicians. They are considered racketed old men by me. All I know is they're fighting again, they're showing off again, they're quarreling again. I have no idea what they have done the useful things to us. I think it is a rotten politics.
I have incapable of joining the party; certainly I don't want to either. So I choose to leave it aside. The politicians, FUCK IT.
Update 11/06: 我在Yahoo世界新聞看到這則關於陳總統和第一夫人的消息。事實上我並沒有任何政治立場,我只是不想在世界上看到任何不利於台灣的新聞。 其實我對政治人物完全沒有好感,對我而言他們只是一群很吵鬧的老頭罷了。每次看到都是他們又在吵、又在罵人、又在打架了。我真的不知道他們到底有沒有做一些對台灣有益的事。這就是腐敗的政體吧! 我沒有能力去加入任一黨派,當然我也不想。所以寧可不去管它,這些政客,哼…! |
By STEPHAN GRAUWELS, Associated Press Writer Sat Nov 4, 8:05 AM ET

Some 6,000 people marched in the southern city of Kaohsiung a day after prosecutors indicted Chen's wife, Wu Shu-chen, and three presidential aides on embezzlement, forgery and perjury charges. Wu was accused of siphoning $450,000 from a special diplomacy fund between 2002 and 2006.
Prosecutors said there was a strong possibility Chen would also be indicted after leaving office. Under Taiwanese law, a sitting president is immune from such charges.
Chen's Democratic Progressive Party demanded that the president explain himself within three days, and his spokesman, David Lee, said the president would face the public within two. Lee declined to discuss the content of Chen's planned speech, saying it was still being drafted.
Ma Ying-jeou, leader of the opposition Nationalist party, has demanded the president resign immediately. Ma said Nationalist lawmakers will decide Monday whether to push for a recall referendum against Chen. The legislature would vote on the measure Nov. 24, Ma told reporters.
A similar effort in June failed to win the required two-thirds majority. But several Chen allies, including the small Taiwan Solidarity Union party, have said they will now back it. If members of Chen's party begin defecting, the measure could succeed.
Taiwan's biggest newspapers on Saturday urged Chen to resign, and opinion polls taken after the indictment announcement indicated that more than half the public wants him to quit.
Two of Taiwan's main Chinese-language newspapers, the China Times and the United Daily News, ran editorials Saturday with the headline: "President Chen should step down immediately." Both papers have opposed the president since he was elected in 2000.
Even the pro-Chen Taipei Times was reluctant to back the president and appeared to be nudging him to resign. Its editorial said clinging to power would damage Chen's party and drag down its legislators, who will soon seek re-election.
"This is a scenario that Chen would not want to see if he has his party's interests at heart," the English-language paper said.
If Chen quits, his outspoken and unpredictable vice president, Annette Lu, would likely take power. That could raise tensions with rival China, which reviles Lu and has called her "insane" and "scum of the nation."
A civil war split China and Taiwan in 1949, and Beijing insists the Taiwanese must eventually unify with the mainland, a notion the staunchly pro-independence Lu rejects.
China has warned it will attack the democratic, self-ruling island if stalls too long on unification. A war could prompt the United States to defend Taiwan.
The vice president ignored reporters seeking comment Saturday as she attended a funeral.
The China Times said it took a poll in which 54 percent of respondents said Chen should resign. The poll, based on phone interviews with 706 people Friday evening, had a margin of error of 3.8 percent, the paper said.
In a United Daily News survey, 60 percent of respondents wanted Chen to leave office, while 21 percent said there was no reason for him to resign. The paper said the telephone poll of 872 adults late Friday had a 3.3 percent margin of error.
Update 11/06: 數以千計的民眾上街要求陳水扁為貪污罪下台、吳淑珍收押。 在檢查官起訴吳淑珍和總統的助手盜用公款、偽照文書後,高雄有6千多位民眾上街遊行。吳淑珍被控告指出在2002-2006年間從機要費詐取了450,000美元(1480萬台幣)。 檢查官說陳水扁下台之後也很有可能被控告。但目前台灣法律下,還在任期內的總統對這樣的指控是有豁免權的。 民進黨要求陳總統在三天內解釋清楚;他的發言人說陳總統會在兩天內面對大眾,不願多說陳總統的言論。 國民黨主席馬英九要求陳總統應該即刻辭職。黨內會在周一決定是否要推動公民投票來罷免陳總統。立法機關會在11月24日進行議程表決。 在六月份也有一次的因為不到2/3投票數而失敗。但一些陳的盟軍,像是台聯黨他們會支持。如果有一些民進黨的跑票,那可能就會成功。 台灣最大報在週六強烈主張陳總統應該要辭職,民意調查也指出經過控告後,大多數民眾也希望他下台。 中國時報和聯合報,在週六的頭條標題刊登:陳總統應立即下台。這兩報都自從2000年陳總統當選後都一直反對。 即使一向勉強支持陳總統的Taipen Times,也暗示希望他辭職。社論寫著陳總統執著於政權會使民進黨其他企圖要重選的立委有很大的阻力。 英文報導寫著:這是陳總統最不想看到的局面。 如果陳總統下台,那一向有話直說的呂副總統最有可能掌權。這會使得對中國的關係更為緊繃,中國痛斥呂秀蓮有精神病。 中國和台灣的對峙在1949年開始,北京認為台灣最後會被統一,這是呂秀蓮一向拒絕抵制的想法。 如果統一時間耗得太久,中國警告將會攻擊台灣。這個戰爭也提醒美國來保護台灣。 呂副總統不理會在週六的這個消息。 中國時報作得民意調查指出有54%的民眾希望陳總統下台。這個調查是在週五晚間以電話對706位民眾而來,誤差幅度為3.8%。 聯合報作的民意調查指出60%希望陳總統辭職、21%說沒必要辭職。在週五晚間以電話訪查872位成人而來,誤差值3.3%。 |
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